Your SkinKJÆR, our responsibility.

Welcome to KJÆR:, where our journey began with a simple desire for healthier, more natural skincare alternatives. Tired of the hidden chemicals and preservatives lurking in commercial soaps, we embarked on a mission to create something truly pure and nourishing for the skin.

Our story starts with a realization – the soaps lining store shelves were often packed with preservatives, allergens, sulfates, and even hormonal disruptors that could impact our health in subtle yet significant ways. Concerned about the effects these ingredients could have on our bodies, we sought a better solution. Thus, the idea for KJÆR: was born. We set out to craft handmade soaps using the traditional cold process method, harnessing the power of natural oils and butters to create luxurious bars that not only cleanse but also replenish and rejuvenate the skin.


Are you still using commercial soaps loaded with sulfates, parabens, and phthalates? It’s time to make the switch to handmade natural soap, and here’s why:

Gentle on Your Skin: Unlike commercial soaps that strip away natural oils, leaving your skin dry and irritated, handmade natural soap retains glycerin—a natural byproduct of the soap-making process. This glycerin moisturizes your skin, leaving it feeling soft and nourished.

Chemical-Free Clean: Commercial soaps often contain harsh chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and phthalates, which can disrupt your hormones and irritate your skin. Handmade natural soap, on the other hand, is crafted using natural ingredients like essential oils, herbs, and botanicals, ensuring a gentle and chemical-free clean.

Welcome to KJÆR:







The core of our brand will always be our values

1. Excellent Service

2. Deep Curiosity

3. Insatiable Enthusiasm

The KJÆR: soap knot

Since ancient times, knots symbolize unity & connection. Our customers are the source of our inspiration as all of our products are developed based on YOUR feedback. This knot symbolizes the connection to our most important value: “Excellent Customer Experience“. With every order you get a soap knot for FREE


Embracing the unknown


Life begins at the end of our comfort zone. In KJÆR:, we plead to be bold, take risks and do more for others than anyone else will. We focus on creating an initial expectation and then satisfying it in ways different and better than you EVER imagined.

What scares you more? Being uncomfortable or settling for a life that’s less than what you desire or deserve? In KJÆR:, we try to create a BRAND that embraces uniqueness, creativity, vulnerability. 

Your comments and reviews

"I couldn't use commercial soaps, when I got my first tattoo. I chose Olivarum, because it's of pure olive oil and it is perfect for my sensitive skin."
- Marlene J.
"The Himalayan Salt soap helped me with my dry skin.
It's nourishing and I love the smell!"
- Birgitte S.
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